Thursday, August 7, 2008


Yesterday went to zoo for moral project! That was fantastic! Can you imagine what i did there? tell you what, that was freaky+cool! My group clean THE SHIT!!!!! You know all those Afican Wild Life, can you imagine their SHIT?!?! How disgusting, my god!
My team-mate said some of the shit like kidney beans...ewwww! Some shit like they "lao sai" like that,oh my god!!!! When we were cleaning, those wild animals were just behind us, looking at us and show the "padan muka" face!!!
After the break, we swept the road.... Those collected dried leaves and rotten woods were all gone when the wind blew! How angry! Loishvah my team-mate donno said how many bahasa kesat edy lor!!! Fxxxxx,Sxx Ox Bxxxxx..............blah...blah...blah...... After those shit work,FINALLY WE WERE FREEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then we hang out around the zoo and I had my 100 PLUS!
We hoop up a train?? train you know train?!? What we call that?Wateva...SBSbians getting more and more finally we fully occupied the train!! HEhE^_^ snap pics and said hi to those tourist just to show that how proud to be a MALAYSIAN!!!
LUCKY: just because we seldom get the chance to clean to shit of wild animals
UNFORTUNATELY: our bodies smell like shit!! When you ate something you also can smell the shit even can imagine it! hahah!!!!

till here then